Supporting Others

This post is meant to be encouraging for you in your pursuit of better health.

Often times, almost everyday, our plans do not always unravel as we might hope, right. We are always encountering what we may call an interruption in our day, a fork in the road, an ant in the lemon aid, a pit in the cherry, etc. But what matters in our life, and in the lives of those who may be watching and learning from us or who may be the cause of the pit, is how we react to each situation.

We always have a choice of how to react in any situation. Our reaction can be rage, complacency, disgust, stress, exhilaration, laughter, joy, love, you get it. Some of those reactions will cause more health problems, while others will actually raise our immune response and lessen blood pressure and inflammation in the body. Your response will also affect the health of others receiving your response in similar ways.

So my encouragement to you is to slow down and think carefully about how you will respond to any situation, before responding, so your health is benefited and your actions support the health of others at the same time.

I have chosen to support a friend during her fight for health, and for me to do that I have had to reschedule my classes. The classes have not yet reached their minimum number of participants, so I hope you will understand my choice at this time.

I look forward to being able to support her as a friend and also provide the best healing diet possible for her during this time.

By the way, LOVE is the best response you can give!


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