Super Boosting Red and Green Tea

This is a powerful and delicious combination to increase your digestive function and feed the the ‘good guys’ in your gut.  You want your gut microflora to be in the best possible form as you enter into this holiday season. Stress, rushing through meals, extra sugar and treats, all things we often experience more of this time of year, really can wreak havoc on our digestion.  When we are not digesting and absorbing properly, the way we feel is most often affected. This deliciously warm concoction hits the mark by stimulating digestive secretions and providing:

  • polyphenols for optimal gut microflora and microbials to keep candida and the bad guys in check
  • melatonin to help regulate our body’s light sensors
  • phytonutrients for cellular health
  • deliciousness to satisfy the taste buds.  All Good!

Brew a cup of Jasmin Green Tea and allow it to steep for 5 minutes, covered.  Add one Tablespoon of Tart Cherry Concentrate, the juice from 1/2 lemon, and 2 teaspoons of local raw honey.

I like warm drinks this time of year, but this can certainly be enjoyed cool or on ice, or even blended into a slushy.