Extra, Extra!

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There has been a lot happening this year and this year has only just begun.  I want to tell you about some of the projects and new opportunities I’m involved in so you can know me a little better. I have just returned from a stay at a Hallelujah Acres Lifestyle Center in Florida, oh it was so sunny and warm. The center provides a B&B feel while providing classes on healthy lifestyle choices, food preparation that is raw and cooked vegan, a Bible study and exercise. Last Fall I went through the training offered by Hallelujah Acres to be a Health Minister, to be able to help people claim and achieve the abundant health God intended us to have. Our choices really do get in the way of our health. I will be offering some classes based on that training. The course, Get Healthy, Stay Balanced, is one that is approaching.

I am also going through a six month Plant-Based Professional Culinary program for wellness diets, so that I can teach and inspire others in new ways how to incorporate more plant-based foods into their diet. It is through these foods, that God created, that provide better nutrition for our ailing bodies. I hope to work with some doctors in the area by providing classes that will help patients implement better dietary choices so that their sickness and diseases will be reversed.

There is another thing I want to let you know about. Besides loving to cook and prepare raw whole foods, I have a love for holistic health. Food and health go together. I have been learning and living out herbal and natural alternative approaches to healing for the last 22 years. In the past two years I have acquired training in Holistic Blood Chemistry Analysis. It is a great way to see specifically how your organs and glands are functioning and also how they respond to stress. Knowing these things about yourself can help to pinpoint what is going on and how to bring balance back to your body, by targeting those organs or glands that are out of balance with specific foods, supplements and therapies. More information on this can be found under the Healthy Alternatives Tab in the directory.

So, as I keep learning and doing, I will keep sharing that information with you, hopefully inspiring you to take greater responsibility for your own health and making healthy lifestyle choices.

I am happy to answer any questions and consult about health concerns, but I also need to state that I am not a doctor and can not prescribe or diagnose. Let me know if there is any way I can help you in achieving your health goals.

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